rslc's stained art glass
contributed by kim kostuch

As you enter our new website, you see an image of the Holy Spirit in our Sanctuary windows, dipicted as a dove in mid-flight over the cross.
The creative hand behind these windows is RSLC's
Kim Kostuch. Here Kim provides us a
background look into the design & construction of the stained glass panels that adorn RSLC's Sanctuary:
[2006] "The altar at Risen Savior Lutheran Church is backlit by 12 large windows. A perfect place for stained glass, you might think. Yet for more than 15 years these windows remained empty. This is not to say that this was a disappointment to anyone, as the view from the sanctuary looking out was purely one of God's creation. There is not one trace of a building, a sub division, or even a power line to detract from the natural view behind the church. Occasionally a deer, fox, or a hawk will visit during the early morning or evening services. Thus, the idea of filling those windows with stained glass was met with mixed emotions. Yes, it would be nice to have beautiful windows behind our altar, but we would certainly miss the beauty of the natural environment which we all so much enjoy."
"The current stained glass windows were designed considering these issues. The decision was made to just fill the center window with something and leave the others empty to enjoy the natural view. Work began designing the cross panel with the intention of having it installed by Easter 2003. The window was donated and built by Bob Tennie, Tom Impellitteri, and Kim Kostuch of Studio One Art Glass, the site where the work took place. Over 100 pieces of beveled glass, and at least that many colored and iridized pieces of stained glass went into it's construction. It is made using the "Tiffany method" of copper foil and solder construction. The iridized glass used as the background has an interesting reflective effect, when viewed without backlight, as is often the case during evening services. It should be noted that this first stained glass cross panel was lovingly hand crafted as a dedication, in memory to our late Pastor Doug Groenewold."
"The Cross design was a smash hit, (probably not the best way to talk about glass). Later that year, thoughts began to percolate about the idea of making a Christmas theme design to take the place of the cross for the Christmas season.

In 2010, Heron Bridge Community Church located in Johannesburg, South Africa was able to use the Nativity scene image on a leaflet advertising their Christmas service.
"Early in 2004, the idea of adding the dove design panel was put into action, with a target date for installation to be Easter of that year. The background and the beveled glass match that of the Cross panel, as they were designed to be a set. The dove is set in a background of purple representing the Trinity. The dove design was certainly a technical challenge, with the numerous small parts making up the wings. This panel was donated by Bob Tennie, Kim Kostuch, and Studio One Art Glass, with volunteer help provided by Bruce Elliott."
"It has been my joy over the past years to hear how members have loved the stained glass work that we accomplished for Risen Savior. To see other commission work that Studio One has made, or to view the many unique things in our product line of fine stained glass giftware please visit our website link. We appreciate your interest, but stand aside and give God the glory and credit for the inspiration and ability to do this caliber of work for His church."

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